They Rule
C.wright wrote a novel many years ago called "The Power Elite", it documents the inter-connections of the most powerful people in the USA. In today's world people who are the heads of companies often swap on and off boards from one company to another and in and out of government committees and positions. Most of these people run some of the most powerful companies on the planet, and it is difficult for us to know whom this people are. This is were "They Rule" becomes very important it allows users to browse though interlocking directories of some of the biggest American companies.
“They Rule” was created by Josh On who joined Futurefarners in 1998, from the Royal College of Art in London, he is a interaction designer who focuses on social software. He tries to make tools that help people be smart rather than tools that try to be smart for people
“They Rule” was created by Josh On who joined Futurefarners in 1998, from the Royal College of Art in London, he is a interaction designer who focuses on social software. He tries to make tools that help people be smart rather than tools that try to be smart for people
KEY points:
· The data that "They Rule" used was collected from the companies websites and SEC filings in early 2004,
· Companies merge and disappear and directors shift boards, it is difficult to keep things up to date, so it may not be completely accurate.
· On the Futurefarmers website “they Rule” is described as a” toy for Futurefarmers.”
· They rule allows people to easily browse though companies and run searches on them.
· You can save maps and annotations for others to view
· 90% of the boards have a director who is also on the board of another 100 companies
· artists often use the same software as corporate project. artists go beyond the normal line that designers would cross; one of health bunting projects was to get people to fill in the loyalty forms for tesco, which have no association with tesco. Health put all the information he had collected about the customers and put it on the web for all to see.(not sure bout this you can change it if u want, coz u know more about it) This is very similar to the “They Rule” website project as they are both allowing people to see information which we normally don’t have access to.
“They Rule” is created using a database visualization software similar to which is used to create The Visual Thesaurus.
· The data that "They Rule" used was collected from the companies websites and SEC filings in early 2004,
· Companies merge and disappear and directors shift boards, it is difficult to keep things up to date, so it may not be completely accurate.
· On the Futurefarmers website “they Rule” is described as a” toy for Futurefarmers.”
· They rule allows people to easily browse though companies and run searches on them.
· You can save maps and annotations for others to view
· 90% of the boards have a director who is also on the board of another 100 companies
· artists often use the same software as corporate project. artists go beyond the normal line that designers would cross; one of health bunting projects was to get people to fill in the loyalty forms for tesco, which have no association with tesco. Health put all the information he had collected about the customers and put it on the web for all to see.(not sure bout this you can change it if u want, coz u know more about it) This is very similar to the “They Rule” website project as they are both allowing people to see information which we normally don’t have access to.
“They Rule” is created using a database visualization software similar to which is used to create The Visual Thesaurus.

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